Sunday 26 January 2014


1. Find a recent news story online in print or in video that you can understand, and can explain to the rest of the class. You should also read/listen to the story in your own language; however, you must also listen/read to it in English and share it in English. International news is the best choice.  Paste a link to the story in your assignment blog post: post an English link, please.

2. Write a summary of the story. This must be in sentences, and about 300 to 500 words, and IN YOUR OWN WORDS. This is the part you explain.

3. Choose five most important or new vocabulary words to explain to the class. Define them in simple English, in your own words, so everyone should understand.

5. Post to your blog, with the title: "Current Events: XXXXXXX"
The first one is due by Monday at 8:30, 2/03.  All blog are due Monday morning.
'Current Events' will be every other week for your blog.  The weeks between will be 'free topic'.

Monday 6 January 2014

"Where would you most like to explore? Why would you like to go there?"

Due date: 
- good copy will not be due until Thursday, 01/16
- you will send me the text and presentation by email, or on a USB (etc.) by or at the start of class

You have a choice of how to present it:
- you can write it on your blog, Powerpoint, Prezzi, Imovie, etc.
- it must have pictures and/or video of the place
- you will read us your presentation while showing us the pictures/video from your presentation- the text must be four hundred to five hundred words
- the font must be 'Times New Roman', size 12.  It must be double-spaced.