Thursday, 13 February 2014

Music assignment delayed until Thursday next week.

Monday through Wednesday we'll do some review of paragraphs.  Your music presentations will be on Thursday.

Enjoy the day off today!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Unit 8: favourite musician, band, or song - show and explain.

Due date: 
- good copy will not be due until Monday, 02/17
- we'll work on rough copy this Thursday and Friday
- you will send me the text and video or presentation by email, or on a USB (etc.) by the start of class

Three reasons, five paragraphs:

- write an introductory paragraph
- tell me three reasons, or more, that this music is a favourite
- each reason is a paragraph
- write a concluding paragraph

You have a choice of how to present it:
- the simplest way is with your text on Word, and tell me a link to a video of the music on the Internet
- the text must be four hundred to five hundred words
- the font must be 'Times New Roman', size 12.  It must be double-spaced.

- or you can write it on your blog, Powerpoint, Prezzi, Imovie, etc.
- you must have video or audio of the music (video is more interesting)
- you will read us your presentation while showing us the pictures/video from your presentation