Monday, 15 July 2013

Powerpoint/Prezi presentation on your blog?

This link seems to make sense for attaching Power Point: put it into Google docs and link to it, using the embed code (similar code to what you use for videos).  Here is a link for the way to do it with Prezi.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Thursday, 7/11 work to finish in the afternoon.

In this order of priority:

1. Your NOVEL ASSIGNMENT - print one copy, and make a post to your blog
2. Continue working on your project 

Tomorrow, Friday, I will be looking at what you have posted about your project and making suggestions for you as a comment to your posts about it.  Please start to create writing, so that I can help you edit the English, and you can correct it.

Make sure you have written about:
- the title of the project
- why you have chosen the project
- some information you have found
- how you are going to present the project (Prezzi, Power Point, poster...)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Novel Reading Project

I am going to go to your blog, and going to post a comment to your novel reading to tell you if it is finished, or not.  Check the comments section below your novel post.

Incomplete work: student/teacher blog links

LW, I do not have your blog link!

These blogs do not have any or all of the links to other students and to me:
- NK (Japanese)
- ZZ
- NW
- AI
- AW
- ST
- KH
- TA
- TM, after how many months?!

Monday, 8 July 2013

Summer HS ESL project

As we discussed, these are your choices.  Here is what you have told me:
- Soccer/Football, TA and LN
- Basketball, AW and AI
- Baseball, KK
- Dance, LW and ZZ
- Drawing, NK
- Violin, TM, this Friday!!
- Singapore, HK
- Stress Relief, MY
- Ukrainian Cuisine, NW
- Disney, RF
- Japanese Festivals, YU

How you can present it is your choice; however, it must include a significant amount of English preparation.  You may do everything written, on an audio file, or in a video, but the point is to use English and to expand your vocabulary.

You may use use Power Point, as that will be more interesting than using Word, but if it is too difficult to learn Power Point go ahead and use Word (include pictures): both are on school computers.  You can use Prezzi, or another presentation tool that you already know.  You may even make it on posters, if you would like.  We'll photograph those and put them on your blog later.  Do not try to learn something new for presentations, unless you want to work much harder.  Time is short!

How long should it be?  Well, this is the most important assignment you have, but you only have two weeks to finish it.  Also, you have to finish this week's novel presentation, and one more next week.  More than 500 words and less than 2000.  Quality is more important than length!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Novel Reading Presentations

It is due Thursday, 7/11; however, I hope some of you are done tomorrow, Wednesday, 7/10, so we can finish listening to half of you tomorrow.

Each presentation you do is short, since all fifteen ESL students have to complete in under one hour: three minutes each.  You will have to read everything that you have written about the novel on your blog (from a printed paper).

1. Write it as a post on your blog, titled - Novel Reading: XXXXXXXXXX

2. Two copies printed: one for you and one for Mr. S.

3. Write a summary of the story. This must be in sentences: 150 words minimum, 250 maximum.  I want you to talk about main characters, settings, and main events, in some detail.  Also talk about what genre the book is.

4. Quote a short interesting passage from the book that you will read to us.  Add it to your blog post too.  Explain why you chose it.

5. Write a short recommendation.  Did you like it?  Did you hate it?  Why?

6. Always edit your writing. Both because Mr. S. will mark it, and to look as smart as you really are.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Best student blog examples: look at them please.

NK's blog is the most complete so far (which it should be as she started months ago).

RF's blog is really good, for just starting this week.  So is LN's also.  HK's is coming along well, too.

MY and TM have more to do, even though they have had months!

A good start!

This week we have got a lot done already.  I will look over your blogs in more detail, and make a comment on your blog, over the weekend.  If you look to the right, on this blog, you will see a link to your blog, and to all of the other summer students (you can ignore what is at the bottom: that's from the school year).

Here is what you should have finished before Monday:
- your blog created, and tell me your URL (everyone but Yuka is finished)
- one post that is an introduction about yourself (do not post your family name, address, etc. to keep your privacy)
- another post about the project that you are interested in creating to present in the last week
- put up links to all of the other students, and this blog, the same as I have done: go to the 'Layout' page, click 'add an element' at the top-right, choose 'link list' from the pop-up window, put in the other blogs' URLs, and save

How to complete other things on Blogger:
- use the Blogger guide (you may even do this in your own language)
- there are even videos