Sunday, 7 July 2013

Novel Reading Presentations

It is due Thursday, 7/11; however, I hope some of you are done tomorrow, Wednesday, 7/10, so we can finish listening to half of you tomorrow.

Each presentation you do is short, since all fifteen ESL students have to complete in under one hour: three minutes each.  You will have to read everything that you have written about the novel on your blog (from a printed paper).

1. Write it as a post on your blog, titled - Novel Reading: XXXXXXXXXX

2. Two copies printed: one for you and one for Mr. S.

3. Write a summary of the story. This must be in sentences: 150 words minimum, 250 maximum.  I want you to talk about main characters, settings, and main events, in some detail.  Also talk about what genre the book is.

4. Quote a short interesting passage from the book that you will read to us.  Add it to your blog post too.  Explain why you chose it.

5. Write a short recommendation.  Did you like it?  Did you hate it?  Why?

6. Always edit your writing. Both because Mr. S. will mark it, and to look as smart as you really are.


  1. In today world English is become a global language and we must learn it

    ielts essay
