Due date:
- good copy will not be due until Thursday, 03/13
- presentations will be that Thursday and Friday
- we'll work on rough copy next Monday to Wednesday
- you will send me the text and video or presentation by email, by the start of class
Describe the behavior of your animal:
- write an introductory paragraph
- tell me about the different behaviours it has (what you photographed from the board)
- each behavior category is a paragraph
- write a concluding paragraph
How to present it:
- you can present it on your blog, Powerpoint, Prezzi, Imovie, etc.
- you must have video showing the animal behaviour
- you can show video of the behaviours while reading your presentation
- or put the audio of your reading into the video
- the text must be four hundred to five hundred words, and you must print me a copy
- the font must be 'Times New Roman', size 12. It must be double-spaced.