Grades Seven, Eight and Nine: final copy is due on Monday, 5/27, at the start of P1.
- yes, you may print it in the computer lab P1
- no, you may not finish it in P1
- it should be finished before 8:45 on Monday
- four hundred word, minimum
'Five paragraph essay' style:
- tell me the three things you want to learn, and maybe what you hope to do, or be, in the future
Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4:
- the three things you want to learn, or need to learn
- in each, why you want/need to learn it
- how/where you will learn it
- what you already know about it
- is really a summary of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4
- finished with something about your future in general
How to demonstrate affordable assignment and initial understanding of the roles and responsibilities in promoting the rights of children. What is meant by professional practice